Womens History Month graphic
11 Mar 2021

Global Contributions of Multi-ethnic Women in the Suffrage Movement


The story of women’s suffrage as a fundamental democratic right within the United States is one part of a larger story about universal suffrage across the world. Sister to Sister and La Familia will collaboratively host a presentation highlighting contributions by women of color in suffrage movements across the globe. Sister to Sister and La Familia are first-year retention programs in OMSE, the Office of Multi-ethnic Student Education, dedicated to the advancement of students of color at the University of Maryland. Sister to Sister is a female advocacy group dedicated to helping multi-ethnic women of color achieve professional, social, and academic success. La Familia is a peer mentoring program focused on facilitating academic and professional growth for first-year Latinx students at the University of Maryland. Multicultural contributions to society are an integral part of our mission at OMSE and we want to use this opportunity to highlight the advancements in voting rights made possible by women of color around the world.

Sponsored by: Sister to Sister and La Familia


Registration for : Global Contributions of Multi-ethnic Women in the Suffrage Movement

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