UPP EOY Ceremony


The UPP/OMSE Professional Development, Leadership, and Diversity Certificate Program will provide participants an opportunity to acquire professional development, leadership and diversity skills as well as engage with University of Maryland departments. Participants will receive incentives and a certificate upon successful completion of the program requirements.

Certificate Program Opportunities:

  • Resume Builder
  • Cultural and Social Justice Development Skills
  • Leadership Development Skills


  • Must be a UMD undergraduate student
  • Attend all Fall UPP workshop series (4 workshops)
  • Attend all Spring UPP workshop series (4 workshops)

Within the UPP Certificate Program, there are UPP Ambassadors. The OMSE Ambassador Program provide participants with the opportunity to hold a leadership position on UPP Executive Board, represent OMSE at signature and special events, facilitate UPP Workshops, hold meetings with the OMSE Director, and meet other student leaders and create networks.

CONTACT: Vivian Tung, Coordinator