Sister to Sister Group Photo

About Sister to Sister

The OMSE Sister to Sister program is dedicated to advocating for, educating, and connecting academically successful multi-ethnic women students at the University of Maryland. Established in the spring of 2009, Sister to Sister is a female advocacy group designed to create a forum for academic excellence and leadership among multi-ethnic women students. Members of Sister to Sister include multi-ethnic women in their freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior years at the University of Maryland in College Park. They serve as mentors and academic tutors for first-year women, providing leadership opportunities and valuable personal and career information. The program’s highest priority is to enhance students’ academic achievement, aspirations, and opportunities.

Program Goals:

  • Build a social network to support the retention of women of color
  • Develop peer-to-peer relationships among multi-ethnic undergraduate females
  • Facilitate the professional and personal academic goals of undergraduate multi-ethnic females
  • Increase networking opportunities both on and off campus

CONTACT: Nhaya Vaidya, Coordinator